Abbott Handerson Thayer

The Law Which Underlies Protective Coloration

The Auk, Vol. 13, American Ornithologists' Union, avril 1896, pp. 124-129.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

Further remarks on the law which underlies protective coloration

The Auk, Vol. 13, American Ornithologists' Union, octobre 1896, pp. 318-320.

Edward Bagnall Poulton e Abbott Handerson Thayer

Protective Coloration in its relation to Mimicry, Common Warning Colours, and Sexual Selection

Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, N. 4, Vol. 51, London décembre 1903, pp. 553-569.

Gerald Handerson Thayer

Concealing-coloration in the animal kingdom. An exposition of the laws of disguise through color and pattern: being a summary of Abbott H. Thayer's discoveries

The Macmillan Co., New York 1909.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

An arraignment of the theories of mimicry and warning colors

Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 75, The Science Press, New York décembre 1909, pp. 550-570.

Theodore Roosevelt

Protective coloration

African Game Trails, Syndacate Publishing Company, New York 1910, pp. 552-568.

Theodore Roosevelt

Revealing and concealing coloration in birds and mammals

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 30, American Museum of Natural History, New York 1911, pp. 119-231.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

Concealing Coloration

The Auk, Vol. 28, American Ornithologists' Union, janvier 1911, pp. 146-148.

Thomas Barbour e John C. Phillips

Concealing Coloration Again

The Auk, Vol. 28, American Ornithologists' Union, avril 1911, pp. 179-188.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

Concealing coloration

Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 79, The Science Press, New York juin 1911, pp. 20-35.

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